Monday, January 22, 2007

Working hard...

I don't mind working hard. I've been doing it for a long time. I tend to work hard at whatever I do. It's the best way I know to do a good job. What I don't like is when it is so difficult!
As you know I decided I needed to get back in shape this year. And I've been working hard at it. I workout 6 times a week. If not 7. Sometimes I take Sunday off but for the most part I try to workout everyday. I also keep track of my calories in a journal most everyday and try to stay within a certain number of calories. I try to eat good things and get lots of vegetables, fruit and healthy carbohydrates and protein. I eat three good meals a day plus two snacks and drink at least 8 glasses of water. I don't mind doing this. I enjoy running. I am happy that I am making my body healthier. And my mind too. I feel good about myself and what I'm doing. What I don't like is when the working hard is HARD. I don't want to feel hungry. I don't want to have cravings for things I should not be eating. I enjoy the challenge of running and working out. I do not enjoy the challenge of nourishing my body. I have always had difficulty with food. I am not a person who can have candy or sweets of any kind in the house and just have a few. I will eat them all. Whatever it is. I will make sure it is eaten! That's the part I don't like. The struggle with food. Still, even after working so hard. I want to eat to fuel my body and stay fueled until the next meal and lose the 2 pounds a week. I don't want to get behind. And I am. That bothers me. But I'm not going to stop. Stopping doesn't do any good. My goal is to lose the extra pounds by May. Owen's birthday. And I'm not doing anything else between now and then so I might as well keep at it. So everday I make a choice. I choose to care for myself. So I can care for Owen and Morgan. And keep up with them both!!


Alyssa said...

OMG! I can so relate to this post! I have been working my butt off to get the weight off from baby #3...and it's just not happening. Everything that you said about eating totally applies to me. Glad I'm not the only one out there that feels this way. Good luck with your goals!

Noelia said...

Yep, I totally get where you're coming from. Except that for me the hardest part is getting started, you on the other hand are working at it so you should be proud of yourself! You're on the right track.
Thanks for posting this, you inspire me :)

Aimeslee Winans said...

Yes, you are truly an inspiration! Know that your ACTIONS are inspiring others, as well as your attitude. It's ok to examine the food thoughts. If I know you, you will figure out a way to overcome the temptations.

Here's a tip if you can work it into your eating habits: to keep your metabolism up and to avoid letting your body slump back down to lower metabolism and hording fat (because it wants to do this when you change what it is used to): eat a very small snack of protein (lean meat, tuna, nuts, etc) every two hours between meals. This keeps your blood sugar fed and even-keeled, as well as fueling that metabolism to keep chugging at increased speed. It's really true! But dieters often will not do this, as they think it's cheating or eating extra, but in actuality your body will probably burn the extra cals up better.....