Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Toot toot...

That's the sound of me tooting my own horn!! Last month I entered a Fall Colors photo contest at and I WON! Here is a link to the page so you can see my picture and the little blurb I wrote about myself. I won a $5 credit towards a purchase!

On a sour note... Morgan did not get the job he interviewed for. I guess it just wasn't meant to be. Thank you for all your prayers and support. We both appreciated it. I think God and I are on the outs right now. I pray a lot and sometimes, most of the time, I think he's not listening. I know that sounds rather negative but it's how I feel. In the bible it talks about how some people are not going to hear or their hearts will be hardened (can't remember the exact verse). I sometimes feel like that person. I'm used to struggling with faith. I think it's what makes your faith stronger. I just wish sometimes I heard him like other people say they do. Maybe I'm not listening carefully enough. I don't know.

Here is a picture from Owen's photo shoot today. It was such a nice day out and the light was just right. The leaves were a big distraction though! I could not get him to look at me for anything. He was so interested in those leaves. Feeling them. Putting them in his mouth! So I would stop with the camera and get the leaves out of his mouth and then cover up his Bumbo chair so it wouldn't show in the pictures (this one you can see it) and then go back to the camera. Then a plane went over and move leaves in the mouth! So I got a few shots and they are still cute. This one was one of my favorites. I hope it's nice out again tomorrow. I need to get his 6 month pictures done before it gets too cold. I don't know what I'm going to do in February when he turns 9 months! I might have to take him somewhere to have the pictures done (GASP!)


Lynn said...

Congrats to you!!! that is awesome.
I'm sorry to hear that Morgan did not get the job. I completely understand how you feel about the god not listening thing. I feel like that a lot of the time also.

Owen is just so cute in this photo. I love those pictures that you really didn't want and then you snapped it and it came out awesome.

Thanks for the comment on my wonderful tree in front of my little house. lol. I just love that tree and today we had horrible rain and now all the leaves on on the ground.

Melissa said...

congrats to your photo contest-its definitely a beautiful photo. ((hugs)) to Morgan for not getting the job, but like you said it just wasn't meant to be.

I completely understand your feelings right now concerning God. I admit that I have sometimes had these feelings as well, just keep praying and all will work out.

Anonymous said...

I loved your Fall photo - congrats on winning!

I'm sorry about the job - but I truly believe in the "door closing - window opening" scenario - have faith!

Anonymous said...

Hmm. I don't think you should feel like He is not listening to you..Look around you, look at that beautiful little baby, your family, your friends, all the great things you have and are able to do. You are so blessed and so fourtunate. Think of the people who don't have those things. He's always listening, you know that. If he wasn't would you have all these things?? I mean all this could have happened NOT to get the job but to learn something, to prepare him for something bigger and better. I believe that we are all here to serve a purpose, to do God's work, but all in different ways and at different times in our lives, and all the things, good and bad, that happen along the way are to prepare us, to teach us, and make us stronger so that way when we get to that "thing" we're supposed to do, we know "oh, this is it". And then it all makes sense. And what about this girl that did get the job, what is her story, maybe she isn't so blessed. Maybe this is her thing, her time. I think it stinks he didn't get the job, but if you keep it in a negative light it will always look bad, from every angle...So never lose faith in your faith. The Lord has faith in you and always will, because you are his child... Sorry for the long comment but I really had something to say!

Sofia said...

Great fall photos! Congrats. :-)