Monday, November 06, 2006


My washing marchine arrived at 7pm last night! It was supposed to be here between 8am and noon. Then it was going to be here at 2pm. So it finally arrived at 7:00. Then I had to go back to Lowe's to get new hoses to hook it up because the ones it came with weren't long enough. Then we couldn't get the old hot water hose off! Turns out neither one of us is good at the righty tighty/lefty loosey thing! We were turning it the wrong way! But now it's hooked up and it works. I washed all of Owen's laundry last night We were getting down to just the cute bibs that don't really serve a purpose!

And speaking of Owen...yesterday was his half birthday! He is six months old! I can't believe how fast the these 6 months have gone.

Here we are sitting on my mom's front steps.
We were watching a very exciting game of Bocce ball.
And here is Owen with his auntie. He just loves her! Aren't they cute??

Well, now that we have a washing machine I can spend today getting caught up on laundry!


Anonymous said...

Aww.....He is sooooooo cute! Love the little jacket that he has on. Thanks for the comments about my mom. Actually she is 62 years old. She does look pretty good, huh. Especially for someone who had colon cancer and was on chemo at the time of that pic.....


Lynn said...

Ahhhh.. Owen is getting so big! He is just so adorable with his cute little cheeks. I'm so glad that you finally got your washer! That is every important with a baby in the house.