Friday, November 24, 2006

The day...

after. Ahhh. It's over. As much as I love Thanksgiving and getting together with family and eating too much, I like the day after too. The cooking and cleaning and planning are done. Over. Finished. Morgan did a wonderful job with all the food. He grilled the turkey which turned out really well. It tasted delicious. It created a rich smokey flavor in the drippings which meant the gravy had that flavor too. I'm so glad I married a man who can cook! Otherwise I'd be in trouble.
Here is part of my contribution to the table. I was in charge of table decoration and arrangement. Unfortunately I forgot to take a picture of the table after it was set. AND I forgot to light the candles! It was lovely though. I tried to sneek off down to my craft room while Morgan was cooking but he figured me out and needed my help. I try to stay out of the kitchen when he's cooking. First, because I usually get stepped on or hit my head on a cupboard door that has been lefted open. And second, because it becomes a scary disaster area real fast and that stresses me out. My mom and aunt helped with the clean up after dinner yesterday. I was so thankful!

The Studio Friday Challenge for today is "I wonder what other artists do to make their studios more comfy. Comfort foods? Family photos on the wall? A cozy spot for an afternoon nap?". Here are a few of the comforts I have in my craft room.

Pictures of my baby above my work space.
My new book shelf and storage shelves. I love things to be organized and accessable. There's Olivia. She makes me smile. A little holiday cheer. I love snowmen.
And this silly girl on my door. A couple of my students made her last year. It's me. I found the amazing sign in the newspaper. It's a Quest ad.
The things that I find most comforting in my craft room are things I can't post pictures of. I love the smell of the room itself. There aren't any cooking smells or dirty dog smells. Just a clean scent. It's hard to describe. I think it's a craft suppy smell. Paints, paper, acrylic stamps, rubber stamps. I love those smells. The room is also painted in a chalk white color with stripes of pale pink, blue and green. It's neat and organized (mostly) and there's just a lot of space. It's not cluttered, well some places are, and it's just a comfortable space for me to create in. I have a radio to play some tunes and the TV is just outside the door so I can listen to that too. It's a place where I can make a mess and leave the mess for days and it's bothering anyone else but me. That is priceless!


Anonymous said...

Your table decoration is very neat, and so is your studio pictures. Thanks for sharing, this makes me smile - specially your description of the smells - sooo nice.

take care!

Anonymous said...

What a cheerful studio you have!

Anonymous said...

I really like the decoration on the door! And what a thing if you were able to take photos of the things you described!

Anonymous said...

Oh my...that pinecone place card is so adorable!! Lovin' your blog.

Anonymous said...

I have that "Amazing" sign too! LOL! Love your studio. Grilled turkey sounds delish!

Anonymous said...

Those pictures of your baby are so adorable! The pinecone place holders are really cute too!

Melissa said...

love your table place cards-so creative! and your studio sounds and looks wonderful :) you are a lucky scrapper

Anonymous said...

I love your table decorations. That's my favorite part of entertaining. I think it would be fun for everyone to post their holiday tables! Love lookin at that!

Anonymous said...

Love your table decoration. I was in the stores at 5am on Black Friday...LOL No relaxation for me. I am relaxing today (Sunday). LOL


Sydney Harper said...

Cute baby pictures! I like your pinecone place cards. It also reminds me that I wanted to put a shelf up in my studio.

Anonymous said...

What wonderful pictures of your baby to have posted in your studio...such a great smile! I love your Xmas ornament and your table decorations too...I'll have to remember that one!

Anonymous said...

I am trying get caught up on my blog reading and you are the first one! Love all your little crafty comforts, sweetie! So pretty!
