Wednesday, February 28, 2007


I got my new banner posted in the header!! Last night I found a little video tutorial after doing a google search on this topic. I watched the video, took notes and opened up my template in blogger to get started. It was going to be super easy!! Unfortunately the video was based on the old template style before the beta upgrade and these widget things. Now I all but completely html and css illiterate so it's like reading a foreign language. And have I mentioned that I still have the headached and neckache that I was at the doctor for last week??? This did not make this task any easier. Okay fast-forward to this am....
I was on 2P's reading the blogs and came to Amberley's blog. And up pops this beautiful banner! And it's placed exactly where I want mine! So I viewed her source (cool thing you can do in a browser) to find where she placed her url for her photo. Then I opened up my blog and viewed the source to see where I could put the url for my photo. So after some trial and error I got it up there!! So THANK YOU AMBERLEY!!!
As I mentioned, I am still not feeling well. Still have the stiff neck and headache that I've had for the last two weeks. Our insurance is changing tomorrow so I will be finding a new doctor. Which I think will be fine. I am going to try to get a massage today and see if that helps. Morgan took today off to stay home and help with Owen so I can relax a bit and try to feel better.
The 2P's challenge for today is: would you live your life any differently if you didn't care what people thought??

Well, I try not to worry too much about what other people think. But that said I also try to live a life that I can be proud of and be a good role model for other people. Maybe that comes from being a teacher for so long or from being a perfectionist and wanting to be better than other people. (Not a good attitude to have! and I try not to be that way!) I don't think people should live their lives in a way that is hurtful to others. I am not all about individualism. There are far too many people on this planet for that to work well! And I think a good part of being happy is being able to get along with others. People who claim they don't need anyone else have a lot of other issues going on and that's what gives them that attitude.
If I thought I could get away with it I think I would probably dress a little differently and wear funkier glasses! That's about all I would change! My friend Pam is a great example of someone who dresses funky! She has this philosphy that all your clothes have the same value and you can mix and match them to you hearts delight. I love that about her! She has an eye for it. And it totally works for her.


Lynn said...

Just loving the new banner! I'm glad that you were able to figure it out. I would not have the patience to even do that,hince the reason I have no banner on my blog. lol.
Sorry to hear that you still have the stiff neck and headache. That just stinks! I know how you feel. A good massage should help a little, I know it does for me. I also love going for accupunture. It really does work. Well for me anyway. Hope your feeling better soon.

Noelia said...

I cheered out loud when I saw your banner! YAY!
It looks so good Heather! Hope you feel better after your massage!

Bonita Rose said...

love your post.. and your new banner!! wow.. it looks awesome!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the compliment...I'm thinkin not everyone at school feels the same way!!!kisses Pam