Monday, September 18, 2006

Do you ever...

wonder? Someone on the 2P's site posted something like this. Her post was more about the What-if Game though. What if you had not done the things you'd done...what would your life be like now. I don't wonder about stuff like that. I do play the what if game but it's mostly when I'm worrying about something. I WONDER about stuff. I think it's a family trait. Like who was it that peeled back the tough, green skin of a walnut to find that there was a nut in there?? How many people died before the community or population of people decided something was poisonous and it shouldn't be eaten?? Who made up certain words? Like profanity? Who thought "Oh, if I mix some sudafed and some other nasty stuff I'll get something I can snort and get high"?!? Who thinks of stuff like that!? and WHY?? I'm also very curious about how things are made. I used to (okay, still do!) love the segments on Mr. Rogers where he would go and learn about how something was made. Not too long ago I happened to turn it on and he was showing how plastic toy balls are made. Very cool stuff. From that show alone I learned a lot! It fascinates me how people can know so much. And we all know different things. I know a lot about education, craft stuff, health and fitness. I don't know alot about history or math or engineering. Sometimes it seems like useless knowledge but sometimes that is the most interesting stuff. One of the things I miss most about working is seeing Maggie (my teaching partner) everyday. We used to wonder about stuff. She and I think a lot a like. So when I had a wonder I could always ask her about it. I can still ask her but the conversation isn't the same with e-mail.
When I first started stamping I wanted to know the whole process. How are stamps MADE. Well, I was lucky enough to get to work for a stamp company for a period of time and I got to make some! I even had a couple of designs made into stamps! Sometimes I think the process of how something is made is more enjoyable for me than the finished product. Maybe that's why I'm able to finish things I make for other people but my own personal projects just don't seem to get finished! Perhaps I'll commit myself to learning about my own creative process so I am better able to get some of my own projects finished. Or started. Like the pregnancy album I was working on. (Not longer pregnant!) Owen's first year album. He's almost 5 months. I've got pictures. I've got ideas. I've got NO pages done! But first things first.... breakfast! The creative process can't run on an empty stomach.


Anonymous said...

Do you think sometimes that maybe it is easier to finish something for someone else because it is exciting to see how they react to it, how it makes them feel? Like you know that everytime they use their bag or wear the scarf they will think of you and the effort. When you make things for yourself it is exciting in a different way.
There is a show on in the afternoons (on cable of course) and its called "How it's made". And they take you through how things are made. I'll have to record it for you.

Heather said...

Oh! I would love that show! Sometimes I wish we had cable. But then I'd watch too much TV!