Thursday, May 03, 2007

and the labor continues...

But the post I posted yesterday I should have posted today! Oops! I had the right DAY of the week but the wrong DATE! Last year May 3rd was a Wednesday! Anyway...

After we came home from the hospital my contractions continued so I did not sleep well that night. Nor did I eat much. Morgan slept fine. I decided not to make him stay up with me and be miserable too. Eventually he would need to be helpful. I tried all kinds of things to ease the pain, which I didn't anticipate, but not much was helping. I was in and out of the shower and tub I don't know how many times until I just didn't want to be wet anymore! I tried laying in the recliner and on the couch and on the floor. I sat on my big ball. Sometimes something would work and then the next contraction it didn't. I had read this book, now I can't recall the title, but it was an old book, written in the 70's, and I had convinced myself that I could do it without medication. That God had designed my body to do this and I would be fine. I would NOT be a PANSY! Well no matter how many women you talk to you can never understand the kind of pain it is until you experience it. I had been an idiot! I don't know how I had convinced myself that squeezing a child out of "there" wouldn't hurt!

I think I finally woke Morgan up about 6am and told him I couldn't do this labor thing on my own anymore! So he tried to help me through the contractions. Around 1pm I told him we were going back to the hospital and I wasn't coming home until the baby was out!

I had finally dilated to 4cm! Yippee! I could stay! Although I think I would have sat in the waiting room of the ER if they had sent me home again! I continued down this slow, painful labor path until I was just about hysterical and wasn't progressing anymore and gave in to the drugs. This was about 5pm. The first one they gave me, I can't remember the name of it, but it helped me sleep, and I dilated to 6cm. Then that wore off and my other options were another dose or an epidural. I chose the second dose. Unfortunately the second dose didn't do anything. And I was stuck at 6cm and in pain again. I have to stop here and tell you that the Nurses I had were fabulous! I can't believe that women do that everyday. Help pregnant women go through that. I'd be a wreck all the time. They were calm, cool, and so supportive. But my nurse finally said the only thing left was an epidural. So I took it. This was about 10pm. I think. I'm fuzzy on the time frame now. Let's just say I should have taken the epidural right off the bat! Maybe it was the other medication, maybe it was my exhaustion or a combination of all of it but the epidural didn't hurt and it did wonders...

I will finish up my story tomorrow. I have to shower and get a bit more cleaning done. Morgan's parents and sister and her family all arrive today.


Colleen said...

I hear ya on the natural labour thing and not knowing what it's like until you're in the midst of it! I ended up having an epidural with both and that was even after getting to fully dilated on my own with the second, but then he got stuck! Hey, I figure if you and baby are healthy, who cares how they came into this world! Glad you found something that worked for you!!

Lynn said...

I have to agree, you don't know what you are in for until you are right smack dap in the middle of it! Everyone thinks they can do it without any meds. I was lucky that 3 out of the 4 were drug free. Of course the one that I had to have drugs for was child #2 and the only girl! Go figure. Can't wait to hear the rest.

Yellow Fence said...

Thanks for sharing your story. I'll be checking back later to hear the rest.