Friday, May 18, 2007

Post #180!

Wow! That's a lot of writing! I think of my blog as a journal of sorts and this is the most I have ever written in any journal, ever!

My photo blog is up and ready for action! So jump on over there and check out this week's challenge.

And here is a little spring from over at my mom's house. My grandma used to have a large mound of bleeding heart and this is from that plant. It's one of my favorites. I have one in my front garden but it is no where near this big and beautiful!


Anonymous said...

oooohhhhh I love bleeding hearts!! I have tried and tried to grow them here - but it is just too hot - they hate it!

toners said...

Another beautiful photograph :)

EquineSpirit said...

Gorgeous photo! My mom has HUGE bleeding heart bushes!! Thankfully she lives in the country so they have lots of space to grow!!

Noelia said...

Congrats on your 180th Post!
I love that photo!
Great blog concept, I might try it.

Maureen said...

beautiful bleeding hearts. I love those as well. My MIL has them as well. Hope to have one someday