Sunday, June 22, 2008

Potty training with Elmo...

So we got Owen an Elmo potty chair a couple weeks ago. Cute little thing. Owen thought it was great. Until recently. Now whenever we ask him if he has to go potty or poop he replies with a firm "no". Like comon' mommy, I'm not doing that! (Mag, did you tell him it was gross!?) Today Morgan's sister asked us if we had the Elmo Potty Time video, which we don't, so I started searching for it on the library website and also on the internet to see what the title was. Well, good ol' YouTube had a selection of Elmo Potty videos too! And so I have this one to share. Enjoy!


Karen S. said...

Try potty training rewards. It worked great potty training our son. He loved pushing the button hearing he is a Big Boy and opening a door to find a chocolate surprise. He was peeing and pooping in his potty within a week. I know every child is different, but have a look and see if this would work for you.

mborrero said...

i am so glad I am not doing this.
Good fortune.


Janet said...

Oh, my! :-) The lengths that parents will go to potty train! lol

We used a potty training video "Once Upon a Potty" that worked great. I think I can still sing those songs. :-)

Noelia said...

Haha! That was funny! If they had a Thomas the Train character, I'm sure I would've used it too. hehe

Anonymous said...

that is awesome! Now just talk Morgan into putting on the elmo costume!
Did you try the bribe? I am telling you. Nothing made Amanda want to use the potty more than seeing that toy she wanted up on the fireplace and not being able to have it until she got enough stickers.