Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Just in case you didn't know...

Here's a little "muffin top" tutorial! I was looking for the Caroline Rhea bit that Aimeslee mentioned but didn't find. But this should help!

And I would really like to know if this is a fashion phenomenon happening outside of the US or is it just exclusive to us!?

And Lynn brought up a very valid point yesterday by wondering what fruit you would be if you were larger on top and small on bottom. Now I'm going to say that lots of those women are probably apples. But if you were say very well endowed and just a bit chubby in the middle and had long thin legs you would not be an apple or a pear. Good point Lynn. So I think this apple or pear thing is just too constricting. It leaves a lot of women out. Not unlike the fashion industry!


Aimeslee Winans said...

Don't know why I ended up over here again, I was checking to see if Noeli commented cuz I have not seen her in a while at my place...

OMGosh, I'm gonna try and find that routine of hers, but I'm sure you looked more thoroughly than me. Oh well, maybe I'll luck out. OK, as for Lynn's top-heavy question, you'd be an upside down pear is what I think, eh?

Personally, I think we should just all be apples, and just turn the dingdang fruit around to where the skinny and fat parts are. I mean, it's not like it's an orange. I'm with you, it's silly. Fat's fat, dude, and now I'm hungry, DANG. ROFL winkwink

Off to look for the Muffin Top Queen....hey, are you doing Creative Every Day Month this year?

Sarah said...

My father always says "For another dollar you could have gotten the rest of that shirt/skirt/etc."

toners said...

LOL! Love the video :) And you're right - there should be more shapes than just the apple and pear - many of us just don't fit into those categories! Happy Halloween!

Gina said...

Heather - the muffin top thing is too funny. And I can assure you that it's a global phenomenon. I was in Europe earlier this year (won't mention the country in case I offend anyone, and I was open-jawed at all these young gals unabashedly displaying their muffin-tops! Yikes!