Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Brownies and DMS...

For some reason during my "time of the month" I think brownies will make me feel better. I'm not one of those people who is a bear (insert other b-word here if it applies to you!) prior to the beginning of this time. But during I tend to have cramps that I don't enjoy. And my solution to the pain is chocolate! While at Target yesterday (and during the cramps) I bought a box mix and some hershey bars because it would surly help the pain! The brownies are a little under cooked but I guess for brownies it's not a big deal. They were great with some ice cream!

And now for the cute boy pictures....

Owen in his Tiger Chair.

Coloring this morning. I'm trying to acquaint him with crayons. It's a process. He's interested for a few short minutes and then....
In the mouth they go! So I take them out of his mouth and put them on the paper and tell him they don't go in his mouth, they are for using on paper. We go through this half a dozen times or so and then I'm done. The crayons get put away. Then he entertains himself with tipping over the table and the chair and pulling the paper off the table. It's a good time.

Last night I got together with The Girls. We went to Archiver's to pick out paper for some pages Maggie is working on. And Lori and Nikki came along because we are having a scrapping weekend this weekend at Maggie's parents house. Lori and Nikki were terribly helpful in the paper search (insert smartass comments here and paper choices that DID NOT apply to the theme!). After the paper selection we were going to head over to Starbucks to plan and strategize for our trip. However it was concluded that Starbucks was not a good idea, no booze. So we ended up at TGI Friday's with Mudslides and lots of laughter. I hadn't been out with them for ages and it was fun to see them for a bit. I am really looking forward to this weekend. I will miss Owen and I may even cry but I've never had a girls weekend and they are just so fun that we can't not have a good time. I think Maggie may be a bit nervous because we can be a bit obnoxious but we will be on our best behavior! And just having Maggie think we may embarrass her is more fun than doing it!


toners said...

Sounds like you had a great evening :) And the photos are great! I love the one with Owen about to chew on the crayon.

Colleen said...

Mmmmm brownies! I sa they're good anytime! Cute pics of the little guy and yours girls night sounds like it was a blast!

Maureen said...

Love the crayon going into the mouth pic.... so cute!

Anonymous said...

Will Maggie's mom be there??? Will she show pictures that nobody should ever see???? Hope that you crazy girls have a great time!!! Drink one for me!!!!

Miranda said...

hey, hey! I think Owen looks bigger and we've only been gone for 3 days! I'll have to show the pics to Mom...

Debbi said...

I wanna go to Archivers(insert whine here). We don't have one where I live. Your going to have a blast going away with the girls. My two best friends and I are HUGE practical jokers. I say embarrase the heck out of her. It is totally fun. Then I want to hear all the details.

Anonymous said...

Just remember, you might be walking home if you can't behave!!
And that's a LONG walk!!

Jill said...

Too cute! I love undercooked brownies...and overcooked brownies...and perfectly cooked brownies. :-)

Lynn said...

Yummmy to those brownies! I love them with ice cream also. Owen just keeps getting more handsome with each photo you take Heather. You better watch out ... the girls are going to be all over him, lol.
A girls weekend sounds like soooo much fun. I had a girls night out (or should I say Mom's night out) Friday. We had a ton of food and drinks and had a wonderful time. I hope you were able to get alot of stuff done.