Thursday, April 05, 2007

You just never know...

what's inside of people when you see them. When my mom and I were at the outlet mall with Owen we were coming out of the Carter's store at the same time as another woman about my age with a couple of little ones. We held the door, she said thank you, and I noticed her St. Thomas University sweatshirt. This is where I went to graduate school so I asked her if that's where she went to school. She said no, it's where she teaches. At the law school. And I guess that has stuck with me because first of all, she was about my age and she was a law professor. Second, she was just a regular girl with little ones doing some shopping. And still a law professor. I would have pegged her for a teacher of high school.

And yesterday Penelope Crackers left the nicest comment on my post. She does the DOM challenge too. Her cards are among my very favorite. The first time I saw them I just felt awe because they were so much like illustrations from a beautiful book. And it turns out she is a SAHM with a hidden artist too. I would never have guessed that were as much alike as it seems we are.

Again, people are not as we always perceive them. Our preconceived ideas and our experiences are always influencing our perception of people and situations. And that is very important. It protects us and helps us make good choices. But we always need to keep an open mind so we can be surprised and awed by people too. Because we all have a hidden part of ourself.

Have a great day! It's super cold here this week. After our 80˙ day last week it's rather harsh. But the sun is out and I'm going to go find something to create!


Yellow Fence said...

Fantastic post and so true. You never really can judge a book by it's cover!


Noelia said...

Great post Heather. You can never assume anything anymore. People just keep surprising me but I like that about our human race. Everyone with their own personalities, passions and dreams.

Jennifer Davis said...

Such a good thing to remember and to reflect on! Great post!

Karalenn Hippen said...

To true! I've been thinking about this same stuff. We had Emily, Mick, and Ivy (Falconbridge) over for dinner last night and I was thinking about how we are all just people. I'm so glad I got to know her as a friend who moved into my area before I knew how talented she was, because I would have been so intimidated. But then I was thinking, that it shouldn't make a difference. There we were sitting in my backyard, eating and talking about the same kinds of stuff. People are just people. :0) Thanks for your comment on my blog. Of course I will still post my paintings etc. on nerd-bucket site. I'm just going to write family news and stories on my new one. :)

Jill said...

Hey! I loved this! I almost was sort of kind of saying something similar in my blog entry today (although mine was definitely the flip side, having blogged about drunks & drug addicts). I love how you can even sometimes know someone for years and they totally surprise you with something you never knew about them & you just gain a whole new respect...

FlipFlop Mom said...

AMEN!! I couldn't have written this better than myself.... I see so many younger women now achieving so many goals.!!