Sunday, June 13, 2010

When it rains...

Figuratively and literally around here lately. It's been a dreary, gray, rainy week. Not much for lifting the spirits. I noticed it's been a month since my last post. My how time flies. And my debbie downer mood continues.

This week...
  • Was (would have been) Nikki's 31st birthday. 30 years is far too short a life for such a vibrant person. I continue to miss her terribly every single day. EVERY.SINGLE.DAY. It chokes me to just to think of her being gone and some days I wake up and realize all over again she is gone. Like it's a brand new realization.
  • Morgan found out he didn't get a job he interviewed for. We were really hoping for this one.
  • The transmission went out on my car on the way home from my book club meeting in the middle lane of a very busy, major freeway in Minneapolis. Fortunately Owen was not with me. It was not fun. Tow truck service is not cheap. Thank goodness for a little reimbursement from the insurance company.
  • The dishwasher broke yesterday.
  • My boss was out of town Wed-Sat but luckily that did not bring the usual "all hell breaking loose" that is often does.
  • Did I mention my car??? Yes, I do believe I did. I love my car. Even though it's 11 years old and missing a few minor parts. She even has a name. Betty. She's been a great car but this may be the repair that we can't afford to make.
You know how sometimes bad things happen in threes? I'm sort of waiting for the last shoe to drop. Maybe I have bad karma or something.

My craft room is in major need of a thorough cleaning. I'm sure there's a crap-ton of stuff that could go. Come to think of it, there is a crap-ton of stuff around the whole house that could go. Owen's closet would be a good place to start. 4 years of clothes takes up a lot of space. It's messy enough that even Owen commented on it. Probably because he sees it as a place that has potential for being a great place to play. I did do a thorough cleaning of the underneath of our bed. Morgan didn't find the aftermath pleasant. Mainly a laundry basket of crap in his office for him to go through that had accumulated underneath and on his side of the bed. I think he believes areas that are out of view are unnecessary to clean. They aren't bothering anyone. EXCEPT ME. He didn't add that part but I'm sure he thought it. There is a reason why I do most of the cleaning around here. If I didn't there would be all manner of places that he would miss. Baseboards. Shelves. The crevices around the door frames that collect bits of dirt and dust. It's the kind of work that only a very conscientious, borderline obsessive compulsive is capable of doing well. Toys would just be tossed in a random bin! Clothes would not be in order in the closet or facing the right direction. There is order to be maintained. It's how I maintain a little control of a life that is mostly out of my control. Much to my dismay.

So that's life in a nutshell. Hopefully I'll have more to write about in the next month. Maybe some things that are happy. I need to wrap my head around a more positive attitude. I don't generally think of myself as a pessimist but I've been feeling like that for awhile now. I get overwhelmed by all the "adult" things in life sometimes. It's a lot of work and responsibility to be a grown-up. Some days I'd just rather not be one.

1 comment:

jillconyers said...

A lot of rain here too...literally but, thankfully, not so much figuratively. Here's to a better week, month and rest of the year!