Thursday, November 30, 2006

a little...

ho ho ho. Here is the card I made with my Holiday Hoopla SEI paper. The inside says Merry Christmas. I made 3 of them. One has red ribbon on the bottom. I didn't like how the red looked so I switched to blue. It's hard to tell in the scan but there is glitter on the tops of the hats that are upright.

The 2P's challenge for today is What is your mantra? That's a tough question for me. There are a lot of things that I use to keep me going. The one that has stuck with me the longest is "A tree is just a tree". My mom told me that when I was in college. I tend to think about things too much and this can lead to over analyzing and that can lead to all kinds of scenarios being created in ones head. During one of these conversations my mom said, "Heather, sometimes a tree is just a tree". In other words, there isn't some hidden meaning or alterior motive that I might need to figure out. Take things for what they are and move on. I am also a bit of a worrier and when I get into a vicious worrying pattern I stop and ask myself some questions. 1. Can I change the situation? 2. If so can I change it now or can it wait? 3. Is worrying going to help? (usually no!) 4. What can I do to stop the worrying? I can't say I still don't worry but I have learned to worry less. There are still times when I get overwhelmed with thinking about things that I just have no control over but it happens less now than it did when I was younger. Maybe that has something to do with learning that good and bad happens to everyone and we deal with it as it comes. I need to enjoy the good in my life everyday so when the bad comes I'm strong enough to deal with it.

On another note.... It is currently 4˚ outside! That is WAY TOO COLD! Yes, I'm aware that I live in Minnesota. It's just that we tend to forget how cold it can get and when it does it just seems REALLY cold! Oh, and I'm a pansy when it comes to being cold. I don't think I will be leaving the house with Owen today. He's pretty good about having his winter gear on but if we don't have to go anywhere then there is no reason to take him out. I'll just have to putter around the house today. There's always dog hair to be vacuumed up!

Today is the last day of November. Today would also have been my grandpa's 90th birthday. Today Owen and I wished him a happy birthday, wherever he is. Hopefully traveling. He loved to go places but my grandma didn't. So they didn't really travel much.

I'll have to think of something fun to do on here for the count down to Christmas. Sissy... any ideas?? If you all have ideas let me know!


Cheryl Wray said...

Love your card, and love the mantra! That is SO, SO true!!
It's getting up to 74 degrees here today--a little bit different than your weather, huh?
For Christmas ideas--I just love to hear about people's different traditions, favorites, stuff like that (and photos are always good!)

Anonymous said...

Love your card. It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas around here too! LOL WE are getting a foot of snow by tommorrow morning. OH NO!!!! Dana

Anonymous said...

Another fab card. Wish I could get on with mine! I seriously returned that box of cards to Sam's! LOL!

We're just across the river from you in Wisconsin, so yes, I'm feeling your cold too! And having been born and raised in Africa, this takes some getting used to!

Anonymous said...

four degrees, huh. It's 71 here...we wore shorts on Thanksgiving. :) Love the card!

Sofia said...

Great card and I really like your mantra. I'm a worrier too so I can totally relate. :-)

Bonita Rose said...

love your cute santa hat card.. love it!

Melissa said...

super cute chirstmas card!-love that SEI pp

and yikes at your cold weather!..its only 55 degrees here in Arizona-I guess I should be very thankful.

Lynn said...

Your card is so adorable, I just love it.
Ok,,,, 4 degrees! ouch! I would not leave the house either for that matter I wouldn't even leave my nice heated bed! ohhhh my! :0 It did hit 62 here on Long Island which is out of the norm, should be more around 40.

Anonymous said...

10 depgrees! Oyvay, Heather, that's a little chilly. It's 39 here right now and I swear hurricane force winds. I have my flannel on, tho. I'm cozy, even outside. LOL One great side effect of being a sweaty person. TMI, huh? LOL

WHERE's that video, woman?
