Friday, November 17, 2006

I'm blogging tonight...

for tomorrow. Tomorrow I am teaching a card class. And all 2 people who signed up are going to have a great time. It's my friend Nikki and her friend Amber. And any time with Nik is a fun time! So I won't have a lot of extra time tomorrow to blog and Morgan likes to use the computer to write when he's home on weekends.

You have to check out the Cupcake Blog. I found this traipsing through blogs. There are a ton of different kinds of cupcakes. The pictures are cool too. I love cake. LOVE IT! I got the cutest birthday card from my SIL today about cake. It has Olivia on the front of it and she says "I will now tell the story of the birthday girl... (inside) She lived a long, long, long, long, long time. And everyone gets cake. The end." That's a good life. Here is Olivia if you are not familiar with her. I got the picture off of Amazon. I hope they don't mind. I've given them credit though!
The Olivia books are written by Ian Falconer. She is very matter of fact. I just identify with her. She keeps me company in my craft room.

2P's challenges for today and tomorrow:

I love the holiday season.. So much to see.. so many beautiful things. What kinds of things do you go and totally window shop?? Maybe things you can't afford, maybe things you can.. what kinds of things really turn your head?
What do you just love admiring, looking at????

Well, mostly things I just don't need. Sparkly things. I love all those cute little tinsel trees they have in stores. I love sparkly things! My sister used to work at Target and one year they had these red tinsel trees about 18" tall for their displays. So after the season was over my sister brought one home for me. I am going to put it up in my craft room this year. I have also seen some that are made of feathers. Those are CUTE! Morgan says my taste sometimes borders on the very tacky! My mom puts up an outdoor tree inside. Christmas is not her favorite season. I'm not sure why. She says it's because of the commercialism but I think there's more to it than that. Anyway, it's a white outdoor tree with the fold down stick limbs with lights. Then she puts ornaments on it. Just a few. We all call it the Charlie Brown tree. I love it. I love ornaments too and holiday knick knacks. But I really don't need that stuff and I don't have very many places to display it but I love to look at it. My friend Maggie does a beautiful job of decorating her house for the holidays. I love to go to her house when it's all done up. Her Christmas tree is decorated with almost all Santa ornaments. She collects them. I love to look at all her ornaments.

How will you make a difference to someone less fortunate this Christmas/Holiday season?

I am going to take Owen to buy some toys for the toy drives that go on here. Usually Toys for Tots. I know that he isn't old enough to understand now but I want it to be something we do together at Christmas so I'm starting now. I want to instill in him the meaning of Christmas. The preparation and expectation of the advent season and the Celebration of Jesus' birth at Christmas. I want him to know and understand that.
Morgan and I are really trying to scale back the gift giving that we do. Keep it to handmade and special gifts. Things that mean something to someone because we took the time to think of them and make something special.


Melissa said...

I have that cupcake blog linked on my baking blog-isn't it fab?! ;)

I love those feather trees too-just dont have any where to put them. cant wait to put up all my Christmas decorations

Anonymous said...

In defense of the said "Charlie Brown tree" its green. And I made like a bunch of decorations for it last year and I put some other stuff on it. And its safer for all of us if the cat can't climb it.. I don't think that mom doesn't like Christmas, I think she likes it alot..she just pretends that she dosen't..I bet she'd like it more if it was like 40+ degrees out :P

Anonymous said...

Olivia sounds alot like the character I grew up reading -- Eloise at the Plaza. Good stuff. And thanks NOT for the cupcake website, there goes any hope for a few pounds gone....ROFL!!!!

aimeslee hugs xoxo