Happy Birthday to my honey!! November is a big deal in our house. First my birthday, then Owen's 1/2 birthday and today is Morgan's birthday! I told him I would cook for him but he'd rather do it himself! So I ironed him a shirt for the day!
It is also Election day! Here in MN we have a very heated Senate race going on as well as a heated Governors race. I will be happy when this is over because there has been a lot of mud slinging going on. I want to be informed and hear how a candidate stands on issues that are important to me. However, they seem to get wrapped up in belittling or defending themselves and this gets off the topic of where they stand. What a waste of good campaign money. If were a contributor to a campaign I think I'd want my money back.
I am not a fan of partisan politics. I believe that if someone supports my views they are worthy of my vote. While listening to public radio a week or so ago it occured to me that there are people who will not vote because they don't support the candidate their party has endorsed. In my mind you just find someone else. It shouldn't matter what party they identify with. Morgan and I were talking about this last night and he was trying to explain it to me in terms of very leftist or rightist people and how they wouldn't be able to, morally, vote another way. I guess I'm just a little too middle or the road to understand this. My vote is my voice. If I don't vote, I don't speak. I also get very confused about all of this stuff because people don't always do what they say they are going to do and there are also a lot of issues to keep on top of.
I think politicians would all benefit from getting together and sitting in a circle and spending some time meditating on the ideas and thoughts in these two books. All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten by Robert Fulghum and The World According to Mister Rogers: Important Things to Remember by Fred Rogers. Things like Play fair, don't hit people and say you're sorry when you hurt somebody. So simple. SO SIMPLE! Yet everywhere we go we see unfairness and people hurting. So much of it is just not necessary if people would get over themselves and take others into consideration. I guess it's the elementary school teacher in me. I like to keep things simple. Concrete. Not confusing. I guess my view of the world has always been that way. I frequently say to my mom, "I just don't get some people".
Last week I was almost rearended by the Papa John's delivery guy going 45 down my street. MY STREET! There are children living on this street. One of them is my child. And this guy's pizza is more important than driving the 30 mph speed limit so as not to kill someone. I was PO. I just want to say to people like that "Dude, slow down, back off, and get over yourself." The pizza will get there. You'll get your tip. All will be right in the fast food world.
One that thing. Morgan still has not heard about the job he interviewed for. There was a bit of confusion on the part of others involved. Not uncommon in coporate America! The other person to be interviewed was on vacation and then the manager was out and so the other person wasn't interviewed yet. Hopefully it happened yesterday and they will decide today and Morgan will get the job. That would be a great b-day gift. So please say a couple more prayers and keeps some fingers crossed and such!
I am not a fan of partisan politics. I believe that if someone supports my views they are worthy of my vote. While listening to public radio a week or so ago it occured to me that there are people who will not vote because they don't support the candidate their party has endorsed. In my mind you just find someone else. It shouldn't matter what party they identify with. Morgan and I were talking about this last night and he was trying to explain it to me in terms of very leftist or rightist people and how they wouldn't be able to, morally, vote another way. I guess I'm just a little too middle or the road to understand this. My vote is my voice. If I don't vote, I don't speak. I also get very confused about all of this stuff because people don't always do what they say they are going to do and there are also a lot of issues to keep on top of.
I think politicians would all benefit from getting together and sitting in a circle and spending some time meditating on the ideas and thoughts in these two books. All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten by Robert Fulghum and The World According to Mister Rogers: Important Things to Remember by Fred Rogers. Things like Play fair, don't hit people and say you're sorry when you hurt somebody. So simple. SO SIMPLE! Yet everywhere we go we see unfairness and people hurting. So much of it is just not necessary if people would get over themselves and take others into consideration. I guess it's the elementary school teacher in me. I like to keep things simple. Concrete. Not confusing. I guess my view of the world has always been that way. I frequently say to my mom, "I just don't get some people".
Last week I was almost rearended by the Papa John's delivery guy going 45 down my street. MY STREET! There are children living on this street. One of them is my child. And this guy's pizza is more important than driving the 30 mph speed limit so as not to kill someone. I was PO. I just want to say to people like that "Dude, slow down, back off, and get over yourself." The pizza will get there. You'll get your tip. All will be right in the fast food world.
One that thing. Morgan still has not heard about the job he interviewed for. There was a bit of confusion on the part of others involved. Not uncommon in coporate America! The other person to be interviewed was on vacation and then the manager was out and so the other person wasn't interviewed yet. Hopefully it happened yesterday and they will decide today and Morgan will get the job. That would be a great b-day gift. So please say a couple more prayers and keeps some fingers crossed and such!
1 comment:
Just a little something for the MN ppl who (like me) don't know who to vote for or who is running. You can check out MPR.org and they have a canidate selector. Its kinda cool. They ask you questions and you pick the answer that best matches your view on the issue (not based on party) and then it gives you a list of who matches best. Maybe other public radio sites have this kind of thing to help ppl?
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