Friday, November 03, 2006


Again! Today, I turned 25 for the 9th time. It's a good age, I've decided to just stick with it. It's terrible how time moves like mud when you are a kid and then when you are an adult and can appreciate the progression of time it whizzes past like a rushing river. Time is something I think about way too much. So staying 25 lets me think about it less. And now I can be the youngest because Miranda turned 26 in July!

So far today has been great. Owen wasn't cranky when he woke up. He ate well and hasn't spit up. He's gone down for both of his naps without a fuss. I got a little cleaning done this morning.

My friend Michele and her two children, Emma and Lucas (who I had for third grade!) came to visit today. They brought me a little present. They said they didn't know what size I was so they got me small, medium and large. Here is the present!
The smalls are fitting pretty good right about now!

Morgan and Owen gave me my presents this morning.
Here they are. The Symphony bar is my favorite candy bar right now! I really don't need to be eating candy but I'm also not trying to do anything significant to stop myself. AND it is my birthday!

I saw this sparkly wish wall hanging on Bonnie Rose's blog! She saw it at Good Things and I told Morgan about it. I love sparkly things. He said it has to go in my studio. He can only handle one sparkly sign at a time!

And the last thing they gave me was a new paper trimmer. I have been wanting a new one for awhile. One that cuts straight. So he went to Archiver's, on his own, and got me a new Cutterpede.

I don't know if this will be the one that cuts straight or not. The reviews I read said it's a straight cutter but that the blades and little mat need to be replaced often. So, I'll give it a try and see how it goes. I've also not used a rotary cutter much before. I've tried the big Fiskars kind at Archiver's and it's just a bit too big for my taste.

Tonight we are having dinner at home. Tiramisu for dessert! Not sure what the rest of the meal will be. Morgan didn't get a chance to make the bread I wanted for grilled cheese sandwhiches so we will have those this weekend. I love grilled cheese sandwhiches. Especially on Challah bread with munster cheese.

And the 2P's challenge for today:

What is your favorite holiday movie?

I think I will have to go with the Best Christmas Pageant Ever. It has special memories. Maggie and I read the book to our classes just before Christmas and then we get together and watch the movie. This year I don't have a class to read the story to so I'm going to have to read it to Owen and then we will have to go to school and watch the movie with Maggie's class.

I also like all the kids shows that are on TV during the holidays. The Charlie Brown ones and the Rudolph and Frosty ones. Those remind me of being a kid. There is another one that I really like too but can't remember which one it is!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have the Cutterpede and love mine!