Friday, October 27, 2006

When a good day...

goes bad. Yesterday was a crappy day. Or it turned into a crappy day. It started with Owen sneezing during lunch which meant all of what was in his little mouth ended up on me. In the case of baby food, a little goes a long way. While he was eating he was doing some business in his pants. This is not unusual. We frequently need to take a break so he can do this. So after he finished eating and I cleaned up his face, hands and whatever baby food got on him from the sneezing I took him in to change his diaper. Well, the good ol' Huggies didn't do their job! I HATE that. It had come out the side and gotten all over the inside of his cute little velvet outfit. So not only did I need to change the diaper I needed to change the rest of his clothes too. Getting those clothes off without getting crap all over Owen was a challenge. He ended up having a bit of a wash cloth bath after I got the clothes off. Incidentally, I had already done all of his laundry! The day only got worse with the washing machine having an issue. It was making a funny noise after I put in the Twins Birthday gifts in to be washed (yes, they are done...see below) because the sewing machine had gotten a few spots on them. So I went down and it was stuck! I turned it off. Turned it back on. Wouldn't go. So I turned it to the gentle cycle and it seemed to be okay. Well, the short of it is it will only wash on gentle. If I'm lucky. So I call my mom to ask her about this and how much it costs to repair this stuff and such. Well this washing machine is at least 25 years old. At least. It came with our house and it looks like the one we had at home when I was a kid. It's old. It needs to be replaced. Of course I tell Morgan this and he says "have you been talking to your mom?? It sounds like something she would say." Well, she did say it would probably not be worth it to fix. My husband doesn't think twice about spending $400 on a stroller for Owen but we should think about fixing a 25 year old washing machine!?!? I wasn't hoping for a new washing machine for my birthday but I think it's what I'm going to end up getting. I always get stuck with the practical stuff. AND Owen was cranky as all get out yesterday! I don't know if he's working on some teeth or what but he was a bear. He didn't nap for hardly and hour for his first nap. His second nap lasted 2 1/2 hours which is great but he was crabby after about an hour of being awake. His third nap only lasted 45 minutes. By then my sister was here to babysit so I could go to work. So I just left! She said I was running away from a crabby baby. She was right! I guess he was good for her and was fine for Morgan. I got home before he went to bed and he was happy then. He slept from 8pm until about 6:20am. Which is good. But today could be more of the same. I still need to use the washing machine. Owen hacked up 1/2 of his breakfast (which I thought I had figured out how to prevent!) and he's crabby. He is sleeping though! So....the birthday gifts.
Here they are. Sewing on towels is a pain in the behind! I had envisioned something much different when I started these but they were such a pain that I had to simplify. Then after I washed them to get the spots off I discovered the one for me neice had started to fall apart in the wash! Ugh! So I had to repair it after I got home from work. They are cuter than they look in the picture. And I cut a wash cloth in 1/2, put a J and a C on each 1/2 and then sewed them up to be like a little bath mitt. I said to Morgan last night I have too many projects going on. I've got to finish Owen's costume. But I don't have to have it done by tomorrow. We were going to take him to a Halloween party tomorrow but it's been cancelled so I don't need to rush to finish it. I need to put buttons on the jacket and I am not good with buttons. I need to psych myself up for it. And I need to finish his hat. He's been so crabby I don't want to mess with him too much to size the hat. Maybe today he will cooperate. I am also sewing 3 book bags for Nikki to give as gifts. I have 4 shirts of my own that need the sleeves shortened and one of them I'd like to do an applique on. Then I have Halloween cards I want to make and send. And a business card to design for my next artists salon meeting! How did I ever work outside my home! Today we also need to run some errands. I need to take back the other coat I bought for Owen and get more night time diapers. Then go to Artsy Tartsy and pick up the Quickutz dies I ordered. Maybe we will stop at the new Michael's in Plymouth. I like stores that are new. They are dirty yet! Oh, and I need to work on the sample cards for the Christmas/Holiday card class I'm going to do in November. If anyone signs up! I'm a Close to My Heart consultant, but not a very good one. Well, I'm good with the creativity but not the sales. I'm lucky to make my quarter goals!

Well, I've rambled enough. I need to get ready for the rest of whatever today plans to throw at me!


Anonymous said...

OM Gosh Heather - what a day. The baby poop stories are still fresh in my memory! Love those towels you made - I can't sew - don't know where to put the bobbin, don't know how to thread it - never even done a LO with stitching. Embarrassing but true!

Have you tried Craigslist for your washing machine? Sometimes you can get a fab deal - like when people move into a home with new appliances in it, but want to instal their own stuff, they sometimes sell nearly-new goods on Craigslist at a silly price.

Anonymous said...

Oh Darlin' just do the stuff that needs to get done first. And I will get you a completely impractical (is that right?) birthday present. How about a stripper pole? Or a G-string bikini? And as Dale, my bowling teammate would say "Every frame is a new game". Everyday is a new day.

Anonymous said...

Gosh, I so remember those days. I used to hate that! Girls are the worst though, because you have to clean all that poop out their "you know what", LOL HOpe your day is better today! dana