I'm almost done with his little costume. Morgan decided he should have some little booties or shoes with a hooked toe. So now I'm trying to figure out where to find a pair or how to make a pair! And I have to figure out his red cone shaped hat. I came up with a pattern last night but he was already asleep when I got home from work so I couldn't fit him for it.
2P's challenge for today:
Talk about something you did as a kid, that now, you no longer do.. could be anything, good or bad!
I took dance lessons from the time I was around 3 or 4 until I was in high school. This is a picture of me from one of my recitals. Our song was Rubber Ducky. One little girl cried the whole time. Another little girl sang the song at the top of her lungs. She wasn't a good singer either.
I was on the dance line for a year in high school. Then in college I was in the Dance Theatre at UWRF for a year. After that I stopped. I wish I didn't. I loved to dance. I still love to dance. Someday I would like to take some lessons again. Just for fun. I am not athletic so dancing was my sport I guess. Now I like to run. I don't have time lately though and I need to work back up to it after having Owen. I keep trying to get back to it but so many other things get in the way.
I didn't make the other DT I submitted for. Oh well. I'll try again!
Well, now I am going to have that stupid song in my head.. And they say the way to get it out of your mind is to pass it on to someone else.. Rubber Ducky you're the one, you make bathtime so much fun... Thats the only part I know. I have an idea for some booties.. but gnomes don't have those kind of shoes, thats an elf.
Sleeping through the night? I remember that...isn't it great? Though I seem to remember I got up anyway, just to make sure she was okay because she DIDN'T wake up LOL! ~ Nancy
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