Tuesday, August 23, 2011

How I might, just maybe, be ADD...

One day Morgan looked at me and said, "I guess ADD wasn't diagnosed much when we were kids, was it?" He was insinuating that I may have a case of it. While I took offense to his insinuation there may just be a sliver of truth to it. Here's plausible evidence...

This morning I made a list of the things I'd like to accomplish this evening (writing on here wasn't on the list). After Owen and I came home I began working on the list. I started a load of laundry and while I was in the laundry room I tidied up the table and drawers down there and put away a few things. Then I came up stairs and put the cardboard I found in the laundry room in the recycling...which is by the dog food so I decided to feed Ludwig. Then I emptied my lunch bags that I brought home and put those dishes on the table while I put the bags away. And then I noticed the empty box of vacuum cleaner bags which reminded me that I needed to order some more of those. So I sat down at the computer to look for them on amazon. And then the phone rang, so I went to answer that in the bedroom and after I got off the phone I noticed the basket of clothes I brought up to put away but had started cleaning the bathroom instead. Which I hadn't finished cleaning because Owen was in there doing some business and I hadn't changed my clothes yet. Incidentally, on my list is:
  • Clean the bathroom
  • Do a load of laundry and put 1 away
  • Sort the mail piles
  • Finish the dishes
  • Finish Lori's pictures
The dishes from my lunch are still on the table. The laundry is still in the basket and the vacuum bags are not ordered. The bathroom is 1/2 done and there is laundry in the washer. It's a start...


Jen Mc said...

Don't we all have a little ADD?! And who really wants to complete all that housework at one time? I don't! :)

Miranda said...

Well, at least you got a start on it..

Mrs Pretzel said...

Seriously. You just posted a whole post on MY brain.