Tuesday, June 05, 2007


Is what this post will mostly be about. I don't have a topic today, just a variety of things! Yippee for you, eh!?

First, here is my breakfast from this morning. This is one of the things I love about summer. Fresh berries! I could eat raspberries, black raspberries, and blue berries until I'm sick! They are wonderful on ice cream! But this morning they were on plain yogurt and I added a little granola.

These are my crocs. And this is why I love them. That and they are comfortable. But they are washable so when they get all dusty and dirty I just throw them in the sink and give them a good scrubbing! You can't do that with white tennies now can you!?

This is Owen playing in the backyard yesterday with his make shift sandbox! It's sand.... in a box... so it counts! He enjoyed it and got good and dirty.

On Sunday we took Owen to a park for a hike and to play. He was a crank that day and needed some fresh air. Here he is in the nets. And yes, he's a biter!

And this is Morgan in the nets. He loved them too! I did not go in the nets. I had the camera and the diaper bag and the camera bag. So no climbing for me! The boys had a good time though!

And this last picture is Owen having his first popsicle ever! He loved it. I tried giving him one the other day but he wasn't too interested. Maybe he likes them better with Grammie!
The challenge at 2P's today is: Blog about 5 of the songs you have downloaded/heard/bought recently, that you love, and you feel they are SO WORTH the 99 cents you paid for them... blog about 5 songs that you just love right now...

Well, I'm not a big music listener actually. For as many years as I spent dancing you'd think I would be. I listen in the radio and O and and listen to music and dance together but I like the sound of quiet. Or we listen to public radio. But I did download two songs the other day for Owen. Rockin Robin and ABC by the Jackson 5. So we've been groovin' to those! I also like songs that I can sing real loud to!


Miranda said...

I still think that picture is hilarious!

Kelly C said...

love those pictures! That's what I love about my crocs too... totally washable!

EquineSpirit said...

Love the pics! My gosh...boys will be boys! And they never truly grow up now do they? But then what am I talking about...I have yet to grow up..LOL! Oh...and those berries look delish!!

Colleen said...

Fantastic series of pics! I think I need to break down and get myself some Crocs!!

Lynn said...

Loving all the great photos you are taking with your new camera! They are terrific!

Noelia said...

You're really rockin' that camera! Love that first pic of the berries, very nice! Sounds like you had fun at the park, I can see O's little teeth in that pic, so cute!

Anonymous said...

wow, the berries look scrump... i almost picked some up the other day, now i will. love your lil "sand in a box" i think that's way better, cause then no 4 legged furry animal mistakes it for a litter box....
lil o is to die for..and those teeth, watch out...
have a great week

Unknown said...

cute pics and I ike the new banner

CircesMagic said...

I too can eat berries until I am sick. What is it about their sweetness that causes us to make piggies of ourselves??

Love the pictures, oh and Ice pops are always better from grandma!