Friday, May 25, 2007

This is what it looks like...

YWhen Owen gets the cranks!
Yes, it really does happen despite all the smiley happy pictures I post of him and no matter how happy he is when some of you see him in person!

He was a bit clingy and crabby yesterday and this was a little fit he threw when I wouldn't let him have the camera. I have to find more cooperative subjects to practice photographing because he does not hold still! Unless he's outside and it was raining yesterday. And truthfully, how many pictures can you take of your own child playing in the yard! So I'm going to start bugging my friends with children and pets to photograph them! And after school is out I'm going to take some pictures of Maggie because she's going on a man hunt! (she's going to be SOO happy I wrote that!) And Nikki is getting a new puppy this weekend and they will need pictures of her or him, I can't remember if it's a boy or girl!

I've got a new design project this week. Nikki's mom has hired me to do announcements/invites for Nik's dad's graduation party! He just graduated last Saturday with his MBA from St. Thomas University. I'm going to use a picture on the front and I'm pretty sure I have pictures in front of that same tree when I graduated with my MA from St. Thomas!

Don't forget to check out the Funky Photo Friday Challenge for the week!


Miranda said...

hmm. I wonder if you're pinching him.. We can't see the rest of the picture so it's possible...

Lynn said...

Its sad to see Owen so upset. He is still a little cutie though. I think its great that you are doing the invites! That should be a fun project for you.

Yellow Fence said...

Great picture of a cranky boy. Whenever my son is cranky and I bring out the camera he starts smiling.


Noelia said...

awww but isn't he adorable when he cries?
I have a few of Joshua being a crank pot too.

Jill said...

Now that is one CUTE little sad face!!!!!!!!